Happy Holidays to you from all of us here at CharlesWorks

While some of you might be doing some last minute Holiday shopping, we have a tip to share with you. If you know anyone who is looking to set up a website, please do not do it through Santa! He may be a jolly good fellow, but he’s getting old and he’s just not cut out for… Continue reading Happy Holidays to you from all of us here at CharlesWorks

Take a Look at your Website

A website is used for communicating information to a large number of viewers. It is important that everything functions properly – buttons, links,  etc.  As long as it works, that’s all that matters, right? Well, what about how it looks? Most of us have heard the old saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”  Wouldn’t… Continue reading Take a Look at your Website

Reduce the Risk of Fraud Using QuickBooks

QuickBooks is an Accounting Software that can help businesses of all sizes know at a glance the state of their business. Often business owners have no idea if they are making a profit. With this program, you are able to manage your business with knowledge behind you. Most often, the business owner is not the… Continue reading Reduce the Risk of Fraud Using QuickBooks

Does Your Business Need a Website?

People have websites for hobbies, family news, sports, etc. However, if you have a business, whether small or large, you must, without a doubt have a website. Here are just a few ways that a website will help your business to be more successful. Marketing: A website should complement your existing marketing plan and create… Continue reading Does Your Business Need a Website?


What’s a web-over? Here at CharlesWorks, that’s our own term for websites that come to us in need of a do-over or a make-over. There are a variety of reasons for a web-over: You felt creative at some point and started your own website, but business got in the way and you never finished it.… Continue reading Web-Overs

Welcome Aboard, Nathan!

I feel compelled to say that we must be doing the right things for our clients here at CharlesWorks! We have experienced unprecedented growth through the worst economic times I have seen in my lifetime. Those who choose to become our clients quickly come to understand that we really do want to help them. Part… Continue reading Welcome Aboard, Nathan!

Copy Machine Security Risks

Modern office copiers can be a security risk. Almost every copier made since 2002 contains a hard drive, which stores a copy of every document the machine scans, prints, copies, or faxes. And if you need proof of just how dangerous this stored information can be, check out the following video from CBS News: http://cnettv.cnet.com/av/video/cbsnews/atlantis2/player-dest.swf… Continue reading Copy Machine Security Risks

How do I Protect my Computer from Viruses?

I have been fixing and setting up PCs for over ten years now and one of the most common questions that I receive is, “How do I protect my computer from viruses?” Most people assume that if they have an anti-virus program installed on their computer then they are completely protected from a virus infection.… Continue reading How do I Protect my Computer from Viruses?