Tips for Choosing a Domain

The domain name is about the least expensive piece of one’s Internet presence – yet one of the most important! Domain names are annually renewed and paid for just like a post office box – if it lapses someone else can obtain it and use it.

The main purpose of a domain name is to give customers an easy way to find you on the web (like Some people choose to have one domain name to create a website, some use a domain name to create a personal email account (like, and some own numerous domains to enhance their web presence. Whether your domain name is for personal use or for your business, we hope you find the following tips to be helpful:

  • Initial Search
    First and foremost, be careful of how you search for a domain. Unscrupulous companies purchase domains people search for to sell them to those people at much inflated prices (often $100+ for $15 domains). CharlesWorks can avoid this problem. Just ask us.
  • Association
    If possible, you should use the name of your business as all or part of one of your domain names. This will make it easier for your clients or potential clients to remember you and to find you on the web (like – CharlesWorks is the name of our business).
  • General Names
    More general domain names are most likely already registered to other businesses (of course it doesn’t hurt to check with us first). It’s still a good idea to have more general name(s) associated with your business as one of your domains (that’s why we also own, which is redirected to take visitors to our site).
  • TLDs
    Top Level Domains are the extensions of the domain, such as .com, .net, .org, etc. The most popular TLDs are .com and .net. If you find that your domain is already registered, you might try for an alternate TLD (for example, was already taken, so Robin acquired and uses
  • Hyphenated Names
    Although you can obtain them, we recommend not using hyphens for your business domain name. Most people who are searching for your site will not use a hyphen. You are better off to try a different TLD or a variation of your domain name.
  • Variations
    Sometimes can be an option if your general business name is already registered (for example was not available to one of our clients, so at the time she registered instead).
  • Keywords
    Having words pertinent to your business in your domain are increasingly important. Simplistically put, search engine algorithms (the math formulae used to compute the importance or value of words contained in your site) rank the importance of web sites according to words. Many businesses use a domain name to describe the name of their business (like, and, in addition to that, own domains which contain keywords which are present in their website (like
  • Cost
    The charge for various domains varies according to TLD, and also depending on who you register with and what country they are in and so on. CharlesWorks will search for domains at no cost, and will register most domains at about $15 per year. This registration fee includes private registration (so your personal information is unavailable to others and you are protected more from spammers and scams) and initial DNS setup (actually pointing your domain to your web server)
  • Most importantly, CharlesWorks will ensure that your domain is renewed automatically each year so you will not lose it.

There is absolutely no obligation of any kind to click the red button below and check out your domain possibilities!

CLICK HERE to find your domain name!

Already have a domain name? Click on the red button below to transfer it so we can get you online here at CharlesWorks!

CLICK HERE to transfer your domain name!

Or CALL us and we will help you find one!